TRESSO café: La marca dirigida por una empresaria mexicana

TRESSO café: The brand run by a Mexican businesswoman

Discover the solidarity essence behind TRESSO® Café: more than a brand, a committed community!

In the heart of TRESSO® Café promotes the philosophy of support and collective growth. From its beginnings, Eda Sampieri Tress, director and founder of this emblematic brand, had a clear vision: not only to build a successful brand, but to do so in harmony with all those involved in the production chain.

For Eda, the support goes beyond excellence in coffee; encompasses the well-being of each individual in the network that drives TRESSO® . From the farmers and their families to the women who make up more than 90% of the team, the commitment is to create an environment of joint development and growth.

An example of this commitment is embodied in the education and empowerment of young women who are part of TRESSO® . These women have received scholarships sponsored by the brand to pursue a university degree on weekends. This initiative allows them to continue working while studying a career focused on the food field, specifically oriented towards the world of coffee.

"As an entrepreneurial woman, I am proud to contribute to these programs. It is a constant commitment that I assume with my entire team, seeking not only the growth of the brand, but also the personal and professional development of each member," explains Eda Sampieri Tress. .

This approach not only highlights the exceptional quality of TRESSO® Café, but also its solidarity essence and its commitment to the community. Behind every cup of coffee there is a human bond and a dedication to creating a positive impact, uniting the pleasure of tasting excellent coffee with the support of those who make this delicious reality possible.

Read the full article on Teetime Klever by clicking HERE

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